
Showing posts from May, 2020

YouTube creator Awards

YouTube Creator Award   YouTube Creator Awards , it is also know as   YouTube Play Buttons , is a gift given by YouTube on completing level of subscribers etc. It totally depend on how well the Channel is performing.Each channel is reviewed before an award is issued, to ensure that the channel follows the YouTube community guidelines. YouTube reserves the right to refuse to hand out a Creator Award, which it has done to select channels with horror or political content as well as various critics. Thus this awards are categorised by the no of subscribers to the has set some benchmark for this it is as follows. Benefit levels These levels do not include physical and announcement awards but offer alternative benefits instead: Graphite , for channels that reach or surpass 100 subscribers. Opal , for channels that reach or surpass 1,000 subscribers. It is also one of three requirements to apply to the YouTube Partner Program for monetization, the other two being a

Darcula Parrot

  Pesquet's parrot  ( Psittrichas fulgidus ), also known as the  Dracula parrot [2]  or as the  vulturine parrot  (leading to easy confusion with  Pyrilia vulturina  from  Brazil ), is the only member of its  genus , and its genus is the only member of the subfamily  Psittrichadinae . It is  endemic  to hill and  montane   rainforest  in  New Guinea . This parrot basically looks like a dragon so it is named as darcula parrot. The speciality of this parrot is its face looks like a dragon and rest of the body looks like a parrot  It comes in duel colour which is black and red It looks dengerous  And it is found that it is a rare species and found in Brazilian forest  Thank you

How to start Vlogging

How to start Vlogging ? Vlogging is basically expressing yourself through video on the other hand if you will see blogging here you write about some topic etc but in vlogging you show everything video this is vlogging. Basic setup for vlogging 1. camera - through which you can capture videos (etc any camera device ) mobile,DSLR,drone ,SLR, action cam etc  2. lights - through which you can take better footage  3. Mic -  to record your audio  That's it. Coming to main topic  How to start Vlogging? Start with a small topic on which you want to speak. Make a rough script in your mind or note it down what you are going to talk etc  As there are various types of vlogging like Moto vlogging etc so it will totally depend on you what you want to show in your vlog so be clear to the topic Find some trending topic for your vlog Hold you camera a around half meter away from your face so that your face is visible Use lights while shooting in dark place